Dave McGuire wrote:
On Feb 16, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Brian Lanning wrote:
The next question pertains to console
televisions. I'd like to
find (much
to my wife's dismay) a console television like the one my parents
had back
in the late 70s. I'd like to use it to play old video game
consoles from
the 70s and 80s. I believe these were all vacuum tube sets though,
is that
It is absolutely NOT correct...They were tube up until the early
1970s, but were made in solid-state form (except for the CRT of
course) for many years after that. I purchased such a solid-state
console TV, brand new, for a family member around 1992 or so.
As I recall, there was a period of hybrid technology in colour televisions,
around the late 60's, 70's. Tubes hung around in the high voltage and
deflection driver sections for sometime after the lower-level signal paths had
gone solid-state.
ICs started making inroads in the early 70's in sections like chroma
demodulation and sync separation, the reliability of colour TVs increased
significantly in this period.
Nonetheless, I don't relish the idea of maintaining such items.