Dear $gods, I fear for the future of humanity. Unless of
course he's taking the piss, but I doubt it given his other feedback.
It's almost like he's taken steps from my ebay page:
If you have a look at the feedback he has received as a buyer...
Note the "pills" in the list. Perhaps he needs the cash for a splash of
plastic surgery?
To be a bit more on-topic - I need to extend my.... SCSI disc size...
Does anyone know how to add, partition and format a SCSI drive on an Acorn
Archimedes A540 with SCSIFS (Risc OS 3.31)
I have got a bunch of SCSI discs, varying in size from 540MB to 4GB knocking
around in a box and I'd like to replace the 120MB Conner and external 116MB
5.25" Miniscribe with, say, a single 540MB internal.
Can anyone on this list help please.
Dave ;)