At 11:39 AM 4/1/98 -0700, you wrote:
Well grayscale is usually 8-bit, thus what you call
"256 color B&W" is really
grayscale. Strictly speaking, B&W means just black and just white, no
Uh, yea. That's what I meant to say. I'm a geek, not an artist.
I got thrown into this 'cause it pays the bills.
Oh, and at
least with Photoshop 4.0, it's stock JPEG encoding sux rox.
Hmmm, 3.51's is decent and offers multiple compression levels.
The multiple that PhotoShop 4 had was around 7 or 8 levels, and even in the
"high quality" compression levels the pictures looked (comparatively) horrid.
Paint Shop Pro offers 99 compression levels, so can be fine tuned for
& image quality much better than PhotoShop 4.
Altho I have nothing against PS4, doing my work in it, then having to
export anything
in a loseless format, then load it into PSP (3,4,5, take your pick) to save
it as JPG
was rather a pain.
The JPG (lack of) quality from PS4 to me isn't worth the money (or the
50+Meg install.)
This is why there are some very good scanned images of Tandy 600's on the web!
See ya,