On 01/03/2012 10:01 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
Whilst attempting to explain the difference between
equality and
assignment, I wrote:
N = 1
N = N + 1
I told the class, "That is a proof by INDUCTIVE LOGIC that all numbers are
the same.? That would bring about total destruction of the universe.
Therefore, never let any mathematician see it!? Oh, wait.? Are there any
mathematicians in this class?"
A few, very few, got it.
? ROFL!!
C: Yeah go ahead and laugh. But by reading some of these threads, you'd get the
impression that the universe is ALREADY hopelessly fouled by the inception of BASIC roms.
So just start looking for a different corner of the multiverse to dwell in. I'd argue
that we're far better off then in other regions, because in THOSE most early home
computers had Simula-67 (the multi-headed Beast itself) in rom (and still do). Imagine,
teaching objects to 4th graders. My word! If that doesn't cause reality to descend
into utter chaos, I don't know what will..