The box says UNIX PC on the front panel and a model 7300. The 600's were
dos machines as you stated. John
At 06:28 PM 3/4/98 -0500, you wrote:
At 10:53 am 3/4/98, you wrote:
At 03:41 AM 3/4/98 -0500, Ward wrote:
The 6300 ran MS-DOS. The 6300+ ran Unix
Are you sure about that? I looked at a 6300+ in a trift store last week
and it ran DOS. Or was it possible to erase the UNIX and install DOS only?
More precisely, it could run either AND both.
To DOS, the 6300+ was more of a fast XT. It had access to extended memory,
but not in the AT-compatible way.
Where it came into its own, however, was running Unix. Part of the Unix
install was something called Simultask. This let you run DOS under Unix,
very nicely.
The closest modern equivalent is Merge under SCO Unix which, I believe, is
descended from SImultask.