Years ago (In the days of HeNe lasers), I was working in a physics workshop.
We had a HeNe tube that was more of e neon tube - the Heluim had migrated
out of the tube.
Helium is a very small molecule (jist one atom, and a smal latom at that)
and will difuse through glass I think. It'll certainly get trhough any
margine seal.
This reminds me of one of the most elegant physics experiemtns I read
about. THere was an evaculated vessel containing an alpha spurce and a
thin-walled evacuated glass tube with a couple of electrods sealed in it.
The alpha particls collected a couple of electrons (aince the source was
originally electriclal neutral, there must have been 2 spare electrons
for each alpha particle), then the result diffused through the
thin-walled glass tubve. Afte a tibe, a hig votlage was applied between
the elctrodes and the gas in sie the tube, formed fro mthe alpha
particles which had ffiused in, ioniese. The spectrum of the light thus
produced was identical to that of helium. Thus showign that the alpha
particle was a helium nucleaus (as had been suspsected from the measured
charge/mass ratio before this experiment).
On fellow got an idea to shroud the tube in a container full of He gas
under perssure to rectify the problem... Sadly it didn't work. Iw ould be
I think with suifficient pressure (the more the merrier, provided it
doesn't crus hthe laser tube) and time it will work.