tonym wrote:
From: Tony Duell ard at
Sent 9/1/2008 5:04:06 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Free Linux and OpenOffice - even if your email address doesn't
I never take delivery on a car until AFTER I have a copy of the FSM
(Factory Service Manual).
You have sense!. Although I suspect I'm one of the few people who
actively uys serivce manuals for cars (and other devices) that I am very
unlikely to ever own. Just for interest.
I'm in agreement with you there.
I like doing CERTAIN things on my own cars.
Topic drift! I like a car discussion, I really do - but this isn't the
place. Yes, I know I've provoked and participated in car discussions
before, but Jay gets annoyed.
/me waves the Roy's Tech Chat flag...