I borrow this place to ask my question: What license should I use when
I release my software?
I used SimH code in my software, and sample code downloaded from
internet that written by NCR for its 53C90 chip in the 1980's. I
assume it is hard to find somebody in NCR who is responsive for the
code. Then what license should I use? I have GPL in my mind. I haven't
check whether it is compatible with SimH license or not. If needed, I
can get rid of the NCR code and replace it with the NetBSD 53C90 code,
so I care less of this part. Please give me some insight if somebody
is familiar with the license issue.
vax, 9000
I'm guessing you'll have to talk to Bob about this, if you're using SIMH
Personally I think GPL is a bad thing, and would be inclined to take a close
look at the BSD license myself.