On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 7:28 PM, Eric Christopherson
<echristopherson at
gmail.com <mailto:echristopherson at gmail.com>> wrote:
On Sat, Jan 23, 2016, Jim Brain wrote:
On 1/23/2016 2:18 PM, drlegendre . wrote:
>First off, my bad - I thought the OP was wanting to change the
device ID
>(which is not the drive number, btw**) on a
genuine 1541. I'd
have no idea
it's done with one of the SD-based drive emulators.
Google is still a friend:
There are no external switches on some of these drives.
But, the BASIC commands used to switch device numbers on the
1541 also work
on these units, and putting an extra char at the
end of the
command will
make the changes permanent, as I recall.
Jim, don't you sell a device that's useful for temporarily
switching off
specific drives so the device numbers can be changed more easily?
Eric Christopherson
So I guess the question now is should I change the sd drive or the
original floppy? Thank you all for all the wonderful help god bless you all!
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Have a blessed day!*