I'm gathering the resources necessary to build an emulator
for the CDC 6000 Series, Cyber 70 Series, and Cyber 170
Series mainframes. I'll be pulling together existing
works-in-progress and using Bob Supnik's SIMH as a framework.
The fruits of this labor will be freely available to any
and all, as with the DEC emulators. As to the CDC-owned
software, efforts are underway which are hoped will lead
to a hobbyist license, a la DEC's.
I have a good start on the manuals I need (kept some from
years ago, will acquire others). Additionally, I've sent
two of my four old CDC 9-track tapes to be read and placed
on CD-ROM as images.
If any of you (whom I have not already been in contact with)
have any printed source listings, coredumps, or best of all,
9- or 7-track tapes containing operating systems (the CDCs
used a deadstart tape and a system library tape), would you
be willing to have the tapes imaged-to-disk, and make the
images available to this project?
Thanks in advance,
-doug quebbeman