According to
>Wikipedia, DEC even ported Windows 1.0 to it.
Several pseudo-compatibles had the ability to run Win
1.n. In actuality all you needed for the Tandy 2000
for instance were a set of *drivers* I believe. There
wasn't the actual need for a port. Being that (IINM)
Windows 1.n was written in C (like what else), does
this mean it was a "well behaved" proggie (i.e relied
on DOS/BIOS calls for low-level access).
Add the Otrona Attache 8:16 to that list. It used an
8086 daughter card to run MS-DOS 2.11. It had
trouble with WordPerfect, though, as the keyboard
did not have the PC function keys. It also did PC
graphics in software, so a program like Borland's
Reflex database redrew the screen _very_ slowly when
you scrolled.
The Otrona used quad-density drive, no?
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