On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 20:40 -0400, Tony Mori wrote:
Dang right - I have ENOUGH trying to support them on
Besides, As I've said, you CANNOT play current games on Linux.
Funny, I'm having a lot of fun with ET:Quake Wars with its native Linux
That doesn't mean Linux is not usable for home
users - it's just that
don't need that extra headache.
Personal choice - grin and bear it.
That's why I could never in good conscience recommend Windows to an
inexperienced computer user, either. I get enough phone calls about
stupid stuff.
You know, you've been gritting me on going back and forth, and you're doing
the same thing.
There is NO activation in corporate environments - Home, yes. Corporate, no.
That's one of the reasons I would never recommend Windows.
Um, seriously, have you put the Linux and XP versions
of the EEE PC next to
each other, and seen them both?
I mean the REAL thing, not surfing - looks like you don;t get out much... I
mean the REAL hardware LIVE.
I will STAND by what I said - the Linux version looks like a toy.
Does that mean Linux sucks, as you seem to get from that.
Um, no.
Riiiiight. So XP's cartoon dogs and Teletubby background and garish
clown-suit colour scheme don't look toy-like to you?
I would be, quite frankly, *embarrassed* to be seen using XP in a
professional environment.
Lemme write it in crayon for you...
The linux distribution, and gui, on the EEE PC which comes with linux, is
not a very graphically "nice" implementation.
Uh-huh. And Windows, with its car crash of different widgets and bright
Fisher-Price colours is somehow better?
Um, again, you're haveing reading comprehension
When did I say I haven't touched it since then?
I PLAINLY said MULTIPLE times, that we run RHEL at the office. We're getting
support plans for it.
I mean, seriously, what is it that you are having trouble comprehending?
I started using Linux about 1995, and haven't stopped since.
Would I put it on my wife or kids machine?
HELL no - I know better.
First, my kids would be ticked, because they couldn't run steam, or GWAR, or
any number of other games.
I run Steam under Crossover. I haven't had any significant problems,
and certainly none that Windows-using friends haven't had. Steam *is*
pretty flaky.