When I brought up my 11/44 with 2.11BSD I also had to
fiddle with the
/etc/dtab file, which allocates CSRs/VECTORs to devices (ie, tells the
s/w what you did to the hardware). Your second DZQ is probably being
probed by s/w as a floating device (160070 ??) or at least not at the
address you have the h/w set to.
I had to change the /etc/dtab entry for my first DZ11 to 160100/300
from 160100/310 to be compatible with SIMH (I don't configure the TU58
at 176500/300 under SIMH and/or 2.11BSD).
Don North
Robert Armstrong wrote:
don't know BSD at all and can't verify the CSR/vector above
without looking some things up, but... on many Unix systems you
need to make the device files (/dev/tty???) that correspond to the
terminal lines. Has this been done? Although perhaps this needs to
wait until init sees the device?
Thanks, John - good point. I didn't mention it in my original posting,
but I already did this too. The script is called MAKEDEV and it
creates the
/dev/ttynn nodes - in this case tty08..tty15. All the /dev/ttyxx
are there but none of them on the second dz work - they give "device
configured" errors when you access them.
BTW, as far as I know it's tty08..tty15 because 2.11BSD thinks it's
talking to a DZ11 (i.e. UNIBUS, not QBUS) and DZ11 cards have eight
each. AFAIK it doesn't matter because the software interface for the
DZ and
DZQ is the same except for the missing lines. Certainly there's
nothing I
can find in 2.11BSD or 4.3BSD about a special driver or setting for DZQs
So I would expect the first DZQ to be tty0..tty03 and the second one
to be
tty08..tty11. In any case (as you said) I don't think it would
prevent init
from configuring the device, but I might be wrong :-)
Thanks again,