I'm glad it came across clearly, though I wish you guys could've been spared it.
;) I've had enough of the fanboy's tendency of throwing rocks at me and then
saying I'm "foaming" when I respond, especially when he's the only
blind, knee-jerk, unconditionally-devoted advocate (long form of "fanboy")
involved in the conversation.
Dave McGuire
New Kensington, PA
On Jan 9, 2012, at 4:51 PM, Gary Sparkes <mokuba at gmail.com> wrote:
Jeeze. Talk about a biting, heated response. What ever
happened to civility
and not demeaning people by trying to throw around labels? :)
On Jan 9, 2012 3:45 PM, "Dave McGuire" <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
> Ha! Typical Microsoft fanboy. Anyone who even says something as
> innocuous as "maybe this isn't so nice" is "mouth-foaming",
etc. It's not
> my fault that you have no taste, value of uptime, desire for performance,
> appreciation of efficiency, or knowledge of OS design. *I* don't care what
> you run.
> -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> New Kensington, PA
> On Jan 9, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
>> Dave McGuire flamed to my trashcan:
>>> Never wanting to disappoint, I'll just say your almost-robotic
> "Microsoft's
>>> <xyz> is better!" statements about damn near EVERYTHING crossed
> line from
>>> "irritating" to "entertaining" a long time ago.
>> Dave, you realize you're in my KILL file since a while ago, right? So
>> I don't see your mindless rants unless they're quoted by someone else.
>> I find the above characterization of my posts to this lists highly
>> laughable.
>> While *you* CAN be guaranteed to make endless flames against Microsoft
>> and/or Windows, and this is readily backed up by searching the archives,
>> you CAN'T find anything in the archives to back up your characterization
>> of me.
>> Feel free to go digging if you wish, but if you have any capacity for
>> self-reflection you may find the disturbing facts that your irrational
>> hatred of MS/Windows/etc. causes you to project your own mouth-foaming
>> irrational craziness onto anyone who doesn't immediately agree with
>> you 100%.
>> I now return you to my KILL file. Having automagically ignored you
>> for some time now, I find my cctalk experience lifted into
>> pleasantness and not because you have an opinion different than mine,
>> but because your opinion reads like a rabid dog devoid of meaningful
>> content.
>> --
>> "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 version available for
> download
>> <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/the-direct3d-graphics-pipeline/>
>> Legalize Adulthood! <http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com>