On 06/19/2011 02:21 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
but is it really harder to type 2 2 + rahter than
2 + 2?
Actually, that would be 2 + 2 =
Yes, and I suppose on older RPN calculaotrs the first is 2 ENTER 2 + .
Spo the same numebr of keystrokes.
For simple calcu;lations, RPN and Infix are about equal in number of
keystrokes and ease of use. For complex calcualtors, RPN is a lot quicker
and easier.
I prefer RPN myself. RPN is never having to press =
Well, unless ou want to compare 2 values :-)
It's the lack of brackets and having to think what they mean that makes
RPN a big win. actually.
The conventional infix ntoation is silly. The person who generates the
expresson to evaluate has to add brackets to ensure it's evaulated in the
ordr he wants. And the person evaulating it has to then work out which
operation (in the inntermost brackets) to do first. With RPN the person
genrating the expression simply ptus down the operations in the order
they are to be performed, and th eperson evaulating it just reads it
left-to-rigth and does said operations.