I'd wanted a sampling scope for some time that I could
use to capture signals from say a floppy out or some such.
I got what I think is just right.
I got a Nicolet 490. It has two channels that capture 8 bit
with 200MHz sample rate and two 12 bits at 10MHz.
It was broken but it was easy to fix. Looking at the
ebay picture, it had not 5 volts. I removed the cover and it took
right off. I was figuring to track down a blown tantalum.
It seems that it had been dropped once and the 5 volt line
that was tiewrapped to the frame was pinched and shorted.
I have to fix two of the knobs that use those encoder wheel
but have parts on order from Mouser so should be fixed
in a few days.
It is a 20 year old machine but still really cool.