Aaron Christopher Finney wrote:
I would say "sign me up" to officially
endorse Haggle, but I was browsing
the listings and it seems that everyone starts their auctions at very high
prices (at least the antique section, I didn't check anything else)...
Haggle at least allows a regular "Bid High" auction as well as a flate rate
"Bid Fast" auction. The nice thing about the bif fast is that the seller posts
a price (listed as starting bid) and the first person to bid that amount
closes the auction, essentially the same as if you posted a machine for $10
and the first person to firmly offer you that was the buyer. It's nice for the
buyer especially since theyknow what the price is, and no games chasing other
bids throughout the auction period. I like Haggle's rates as well. Ebay can
kiss my patootee.
Aaron C. Finney Systems Administrator WFI Incorporated
"UNIX is an exponential algorithm with a seductively small constant."
--> Scott Draves