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There is no limit to human stupidity.
Consider the following:
Luser calls, complains the service doesn't work and wants her money back.
I ask, "What's broken?" She says, I never connect. Gets a NO DIALTONE
I ask, is the computer plugged into the wall? No. Do you know where the
phone jack is? Just the one the phone's in... But she wants to plug it
in the OTHER phone line! Where's that? She has no idea...
Turns out the other tech had told her if she wants the phone and the Internet
to work simultaneously, she needs another phone line. So she orders one.
Telco guy shows, runs wiring to phone box outside, and is getting ready to
do inside wiring when this lady tells him not to - she doesn't wanna pay any
extra money! So telco guy leaves. She tries dialing... I guess she though
the computer could magically jump across the building and get the phone
line outside... When I left she was telling my supervisor she was suing
us for not being more specific - we cost her time and money. I hope she has
a real good attourney (sp?)...