On 08/28/02, Ethan Dicks scribbled:
--- Robert Schaefer <rschaefe(a)gcfn.org> wrote:
> Had a mouse attached to it, and it wasn't until I
> got it home that I noticed it was an optical mouse. Mfgr'd by Mouse
> Systems... It seems that the IIc+ will take the older DE9 style Mac
> mice, so this might be for one of those.
Does this
little guy need a fancy pad?
I would expect so. They are much rarer than the mice.
You know, I do believe I have an extra Mouse Systems metal mouse
pad, that looks a lot like the pad I have for my Sun Optical mouse. I'll
have to check when I get home tonight.
If it's the right nodel number for you, you can have it for
(what's a reasonable price?) plus shipping...
--- David A. Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818