Speaking of monitor repairs, does anyone know how to get rid of that
annoying whistling that some of the older monitors have? I have an old
Magnavox that is a GREAT monitor (CGA/Herc/Composite, color/green w/
built-in sound), but it whistles like a tea kettle (O.K., that's a bit
exaggerated, but it's pretty bad). I've been told to put glue on the
flyback, but where?
Also, speaking about that monitor, there's two sockets on the back:
I have the TTL RGB cable, which will work with CGA (standard 9-pin). I
don't have the Lin RGB cable, and the connector for it is a 6 pin DIN jack
(the one for the TTL RGB is also an DIN connector - 8-pin). What is the
Lin RGB for, and what is the pinout for it? I got the monitor used for two
bucks, so I don't have a manual.