--- Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
Not unless you lift yourself by your bootstraps to
do it.
It is obviously a physical impossibility, just like
using the operating
system functions that are available once the OS is
loaded, for loading the
operating system.
Oi. The code that's embedded in the system rom, which
is usually invoked by an "INT" is there whether the OS
is loaded or not, no? My point was all the facilities
for formatting tracks, and reading and writing
individual sectors is present there. A very simple
program is required to copy the contents of a disk in
a: to a disk in b:. I remember doing this as an
exercise when I learned assembly language. Under 20
lines iirc, and I did it w/debug. Therefore what would
be the problem of having the post, instead of handing
off control to bootstrap code, execute a snippet of
code which formats a disk, then copies the contents of
another disk to it. Of course this would require a
V9000 to have the ability to natively read a vanilla
IBM format. And of course you'd need to add the code
to a custom eprom. In theory it should work.
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