Congrats on finding an amazing classic machine! :)
Tony I'm sure will be
Thaet are _beautiful_. One of my favourite machines. I have 3 of them
(The PERQ 3a, AGW330 is not a classic PEERQ IMHO).
along with some useful advice shortly (he is by far
the expert on PERQ
Hmmm....There are some useful manuals on bitsavers, I think. The PERQ 1a
uses the same 16K WCS CPU board as the PERQ 2 family, so there's a
schematic [1[ of that. I think there's a PERQ 1 scheamtics book on
bitsavers too, that will cover msot of the rest of the machine. I have
full schematics of everything, let me know if there's any bit you need.
[1] There is alos a techref for the CPU. Which reminds me of a little
story :
'The lady, seeing her cat relaxing on the rug says "I would lend you my
book on zne meditiation, but it appears you have already read it". "DOn't
be stupid", purred the cat, "I wrote it" ':-)