On 05/12/2019 00:36, Adrian Graham via cctalk wrote:
>> ...
>> The button cell looks very much like it is soldered in. It's approximately
12mm in diameter. I've read numerous warnings not to go to near a button cell with a
soldering iron so I'm not really keen to do that, especially as I don't know for
sure that it will fix the problem.
> I'm curious what the reason is for that warning. After all, the thing was
soldered in to begin with; it certainly won't mind the heat. You'd want to make
sure you don't short it out while doing it, of course; some insulating tape might help
with that.
There are plenty of warnings, e.g.:
Many years ago I removed the soldered coin cell from the control board of the Compaq 7000
series and replaced it with a 2032 coin cell holder, worked nicely so I can?t see why it
wouldn?t work in this DECivetti monstrosity.
Well I suppose removing it means unsoldering the two tabs from the
motherboard rather than unsoldering the tabs from the cell, so maybe
I'll give that a go. Then I could work out what the battery is, get a
suitable holder and solder that in.
It would, however, be much more useful if a manual turned up and I could
just perform a system reset and get past the password that way!
Antonio Carlini
antonio at