From: Pete Turnbull: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:32 AM
On 15/10/2012 03:06, Mouse wrote:
When you throw something out, when does ownership
of it pass from you?
When you drop it in the trashcan? When you empty the trash into a
dustbin? When the collectors pick up the dustbin's contents? When
it's dumped into landfill (or whatever)? Never?
It probably varies according to location. In the UK, ownership of trash
passes to the local council when you put the trash in a designated bin,
box or bag on the street for collection.
My understanding is that, in most jurisdictions in the USA, trash is
"abandoned property" when you bring it to the curb, even in a
designated trash container owned by your trash hauler. This is
the result of court decisions allowing police authorities to search
the trash without bothering to obtain a warrant.