At 8:22 PM +0000 10/29/12, Tony Duell wrote:
I don't know where you are, but 35mm film is still
very easy t ofind. !20
is a bit harder, 5*4 sheet film is harder still (but by no means
impossible), antything esle is 'fun' (and may involve slicing down film
and repsooling it in a darkroom).
The one British B&W magazine I like seems to have plenty of oddball
film advertised in it. It's also to blame for my move to Large
Format in 2009. 620 is easy enough, it's either respooled 120, or
spools that have had the ends 'shaved'. It's currently possible to
get 127, but I'm not sure how much longer, as Efke's machines have
broken down and they're getting out of the film business. Some of
the truly odd-ball roll film formats can be purchased, but it's not
easy. Same with the unusual sheet film sizes, once a year Ilford
opens up ordering of special sizes.
One advantaeg of the Nikon system is that the Nikon F
lens mount is
essntially unchanged since 1959. YEs, extra features were added. so if
you mount an old lens on a new body you are not going to et autofocus 9or
even automatic exposure ocntrol in some cases), but it wil lfit nad work.
Similarly I could (if I could afford it) by a new lens that work work on
my F or F2 bodies.
The Leica M's are even better. There are only a small handful of
Leica Thread Mount and M mount lenses I can't use on my M6 TTL and
M9. The new "Leica M" digital (yes, no number) will have an adapter
that will let it use R lenses as well. I also have an adapter that
allows me to use my Grandfathers Nikon S lenses on my M's, and you
can get an adapter to use Contax lenses on them as well. All this is
without having to modify the lenses.
Of course I also use my Grandparents Nikon SLR lenses on my more
modern Nikon's, including my Nikon D300.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
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