On 21 November 2012 21:07, Cindy Croxton Electronics Plus
<sales at elecplus.com> wrote:
For those who want to see pics of the warehouse in
Kerrville, TX, please see
If you can't come on Dec 1, email me what you are interested in.
I just ran out of boggle. My boggle-gland can't secrete any more in one go.
My covetousness centres are functioning just fine, though.
Colour Classics. SEs, or are they SE/30s? Tons of disks. IBM printers
new in box.
I could walk away, or at least drive off in a large van, with a good
entire collection out of that lot. Sponsor me for a green card and
I'll move over, catalogue it and sell it gradually for you! :?D
Liam Proven ? Profile:
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk ? GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lproven at
hotmail.com ? Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 ? Cell: +44 7939-087884