On 30/11/17 19:46, Philip Pemberton via cctalk wrote:
It looks like the DIP switches are the same as the 150
- William Degnan
posted a link to those.
Update -- the DIP switch settings are *not* the same as the 150. I
finally found the 150 Plus settings in an old Usenet post:
Copied below for the benefit of anyone who finds one of these printers
and decides to get it working...
It does work rather well with 8.5x11 listing paper with perforation-skip
enabled! Very nice little thing to use with old DOS radio programming
tools (the sort which poke the printer port directly and bypass
print-to-file TSRs).
Power supply, as I said earlier, is 9VDC 1A centre-negative.
Emulation modes are (apparently) Epson FX-85 and IBM ProPrinter.
Graphics 192x192dpi, max print width is 7.1 inches.
The "expanded" graphics mode switch apparently sets the graphics
resolution -- "normal mode" increases resolution by about 25%, shrinking
images in the X axis. Might be useful if the 7.1in print width causes
print to clip against the edge.
Certainly a neat little machine.
From: jon... at
ibm.net (Jonathan Edwards)
Subject: Re: ??_Diconix 150 printer power supply_??
Date: 1995/08/19
Message-ID: <4155l7$3dkp at news-s02.ny.us.ibm.net>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 108478659
references: <DDJ2Ey.12n at berlioz.nsc.com> <DDJCwB.5r4 at berlioz.nsc.com>
reply-to: jon... at
ibm.net (Jonathan Edwards)
newsgroups: comp.sys.laptops
In <DDJCw... at berlioz.nsc.com>, gr... at
galaxy.nsc.com (Paul Grohe) writes:
In article <DDJ2E... at berlioz.nsc.com>,
gr... at
What is the voltage/current specs of the
Kodak-Diconix 150 portable printer power supply?
Next question, What are the dip switch settings??
I have the
parallel version (I assume they are for the serial version).
From the "Fast Track Operator's Guide":
"Both parallel and serial versions of the 150 Plus have a main
package of switches (Panel A) located inside the printer near
the cartidge's home position.
"Serial versions of the printer have two additional groups of
switches at the extreme left end of the carriage shaft.
"Panel A contains 10 switches; switches 1-9 control these printer
- carriage return definition
- page length
- compatibility mode
- perforation skip
- IBM character set
- international character sets
- ptich and graphics mode
Switch 10 is reserved for manufacturing purposes; do not use it.
Carriage Return Definition (switch 1)
up - carriage return plus line feed
down - carriage return only
Page Length (switch 2)
up - 12 inches (30.5 cm)
down - 11 inches (28 cm)
Compatibility Mode (switch 3)
up - IBM
down - Epson
Perforation Skip Definition (Epson mode only) (switch 4)
up - 1 inch skip
down - no skip
IBM Character Set (IBM mode only) (switch 4)
up - Set 2
down - Set 1
Characters per Inch/Graphics Mode (switch 9)
up - 10/expanded
down - 12/normal
Character Set (switches 5-8)
dddd - USA
uddd - France
dudd - Germany
uudd - England
ddud - Denmark 1
udud - Sweden
duud - Italy
uuud - Spain 1
dddu - Japan
uddu - Norway
dudu - Denmark 2
uudu - Spain 2
dduu - Latin America
uduu - Denmark/Norway
duuu - reserved
uuuu - reserved
"Serial switches (present only on serial versions of the printer) control
these functions:
- baud rate
- data length
- parity
- data protocol
- carrier detect signal
- clear to send signal
- data set ready signal
"Once again, remember that the new settings do not take effect until the
printer is reset; make all changes with power off.
Panel B has 8 switches; panel C has 3.
Baud Rate (Panel B) (switches 1-3)
ddd - 9600 1 stop bit
ddu - 4800 1 stop bit
dud - 2400 1 stop bit
duu - 1200 1 stop bit
udd - 600 1 stop bit
udu - 300 1 stop bit
uud - 300 2 stop bits
uuu - 110 2 stop bits
Data Length (Panel B) (switch 4)
up - 8 bits
down - 7 bits
Parity (Panel B) (switches 5-6)
dd - none
du - even
ud - odd
Protocol (Panel B) (switches 7-8)
dd - RDY/BSY
ud - ETX/ACK
Carrier Detect Input Signal (Panel C) (switch 1)
up - ignored
down - sensed
Data Set Ready Input Signal (Panel C) (switch 2)
up - ignored
down - sensed
Clear to Send Input Signal (Panel C) (switch 3)
up - ignored
down - sensed
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk