On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Richard Erlacher wrote:
Well, Allison, at least you've got the VB under
your belt! I wish I'd been
that smart some 10 years back. I was too much of a hardware snob to catch
You know why? To clean up other people "code" and thats quoted for
sacrasm! Hate using it.
the VB wave, which seems to make all these young guys
retire before they're
40. It's probably not fun, since the class of things it handles well is
quite narrow, but they typcially make in half a day what I make in a week of
billable time.
There is that. Me, I have to be able to hit the floor running on ANY OS,
progamming language or CPU.
If VB's a joke, I guess it's a joke on me.
Perhaps it's a joke on you, too.
My job is results, not being a VB lover. I use what is there, mandated or
cheap. Because I can speak other languages I don't ahve to worry if the
industry decides tomorrow that visualfraq is now the hot thing and VB is