On Mar 23, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Adam Goldman wrote:
A local
friend is looking for an old chemistry simulator program
for the Apple ][. Here's his description:
> I'm trying to find a "chemistry simulator" program that I used to play
> with on an Apple II way back in the day. I don't remember the name of
> it, but I remember being able to build a decent "lab" out of parts and
> pieces. I remember that the first lesson was an experiment to figure
> out why the fertilizer ship in Texas City exploded after an onboard
> fire.
This was called Chem Lab, and I think it was published by Simon &
Fantastic, thanks! I'm looking for a copy, should anyone here have
it around somewhere.
Are you sure your friend isn't just interested in the answer to the
first lesson! HA! HA! Maybe....... (You never know these days)