Right on... The most important thing is.... IS THE OBJECT BEING SAVED?
Even if you restore something today it will be crap in another 50 years
If you do not restore it now it will run like crap too.
SO... in 50 years both are equal.. they will both run like crap no
matter if restored now or not.
The only caveat to the above examples is in ANY and EVERY case make sure
the old batteries are out of it!
And lastly... usually the people that raise the most protest 'about
something not being used' are those that do not have one. Draw your own
In a message dated 10/8/2016 9:46:04 A.M. US Mountain
Just like the car collecting, comic book collection
and just about
most other hobbies when they mature. The same type of people who
about the price of an Xmen#1 because people would just buy and display them
and not read them, complain when someone buys an ALTAIR to sit on their
desk and doesn't turn it on. Better that than the garbage heap, without
money coming into our hobby it would eventually die out and many artifacts
would be lost to the dump.