On Jan 23, 14:50, Christian Fandt wrote:
Just need a toner cartridge for the LJ III as the
photodrum has a
permanent toner stain on its surface and horizontal
groove along its
from where the toner scraper had set stationary for
10+ years. Leaves
horiz. line and faint blotches on printed sheets. Will
not cleanup by
itself. Okay for draft printing but not for stuff one would want to
such as DEC manual reprints, etc. (or my college
homework :-).
Anybody know
if touching the photodrum with cleaner of some sort
and soft cloth
destroy it?? The built-in scrapper will not clear the
stuck-on toner.
that darned groove though . . .
Once, I got some self-adhesive labels wrapped around the drum on a
Canon, and with nothing to lose, used cotton pads and iso-propyl
alcohol to remove them. After a few sheets, it was as good as new.
Also, anybody have a JetDirect Ethernet card for the
LaserJet III
could part with? Cannot yet determine the exact part #
at this time
online searches. No mention in manual as this option
may not have
developed at time of publication (1990). They became
available later.
All the IIIs I've seen had JetDirect cards (they all came from
netwroked environments). They only work as single-protocol in a III,
but just about any JetDirect MIO card should work, as far as I
remember. Look for J2250A, J2550B, J2552A or J2552B (that's what are
in my 4s, 5s, and 1600).
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York