On 29 Apr 2007 at 21:56, roger pugh wrote:
Dayna MacCharlie is what you are thinking of..
That's it! For *only* somewhere between $1200 and $1800 (1985
dollars), you could have a slow PC that could sort of run PC mono
text applications on your Mac.
I miss the wackiness of the old PC days when nothing was too silly to
get funded. I do recall being taken to lunch sometime in 1984 and
being pitched to join a firm back around then. What was carefully
fished out of a briefcase was a mock-up of a very small laptop
computer--barely big enough in footprint to contain the keys of a
keyboard and VERY slim.
I was excitedly told that some genius had figured out how to cram the
electronics for a PC into it. When I asked where the battery went, I
got the reply "we haven't figured that out yet". I passed on the
"opportunity" and AFAIK, the venture never went anywhere.