On Mon, 2006-03-27 11:15:09 -0600, Jay West <jwest at classiccmp.org> wrote:
I haven't checked the specs, but I'd be
surprised if the standard PC
supplies could put out the amps required.
Looking at
http://bitsavers.vt100.net/dec/unibus/EK-BA11A-TM-003_Aug83.pdf, the
PSU will give you these:
Logic Voltage:
+5.1V +/- 0.10V min: 6.0A max: 120.0A
+15.0V +/- 0.30V min: 0.0A max: 3.0A
-15.0V +/- 0.30V min: 0.0A max: 3.0A
+12.0V +/- 0.24V min: 0.0A max: 5.0A
Memory Voltage:
-12.0V +/- 0.24V min: 0.0A max: 1.0A
+5.1V +/- 0.10V min: 0.0A max 10.0A
Most of these shouldn't be much of a problem for a high-powered PC
power supply, except 120A for 5.1V ...
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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