If no takers for freebies within 2 weeks,
dumpster it. Better
a quick death and you don't have to pay for storage while it
rusts/deteriorates/loses magnetization for the hard drive bits. If
you keep it, it'll die eventually anyway and you'll pay for it
(fiscally and emotionally) over the decades it takes to die.
Mark, 210-379-4635
I will rarely dumpster anything computer related ... at least intact :). The
motherboards and cards usually have enough gold to be of some interest to gold
scrappers (Pax may have more to say about this!) Personally, I have a box that I
toss old cards into and sell them every six months to a year. Depending on the
gold content, I usually get somewhere around $0.50 - $1.00 per pound. No idea if
this is good/bad/indifferent but it sure beats giving it away to the electronic
recyclers (we can't through electronics into the dumpster here in Kalifornia.)