On 3 Jan 2012 at 11:42, Fred Cisin wrote:
I don't see much matrix manipulation software on
the Web in ANY
Most of the web seems to be database and graphics. Not much explicit
math there at all (of course, there's a lot of math going on behind
the scene in graphics, but few programmers ever get to see that).
I think that the character set killed APL. Just the
special type ball
and pieces of tape on the keys.
There were variants that used ASCII di-and-trigraphs to represent the
special characters, but they made the nearly unreadable almost
totally unreadable. In general, most "standard" computer character
sets are not well thought out.
But, I've actually had students ask why there
isn't a "plus or minus",
or a "not equal" character for use in C if() statements. So, I pass
a VT100 keyboard around the room.
Algol suffered from similar issues. Yes, you had substitutions, but
I think they impaired readability.
The original 6-bit CDC Display Code set had many Algol characters,
but that meant that others had to be dropped, such as quotation marks
(both double and single) and question and exclamation marks, among
The colon was a horrible problem, being code 00, where 0000 in the
low-order 12 bits of a word signified an end-of-line. Two colons in
the wrong place in a line would end the line and elide both colons.
Most print trains only had a single colon, so printing slowed down
when there were too many of them.
I seem to remember that a similar problem existed for character code
00 on even-parity 7-track mag tape.