On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Tom Uban <uban at ubanproductions.com> wrote:
I'll check
the NPG jumpers -- here's a stupid question -- how do I find
where they're supposed to be? ?I've looked all over for a simple diagram
showing which pins are CA1 and CB1, but I'm not finding them...
The backplane information is clearly described in the Peripherals Handbook.
If you don't have a copy and you intend to work with these machines, then
you need to get yourself a copy.
Having worked with these machines a lot over the years, I can
personally recommend having the right handbooks on hand when
configuring things or diagnosing problems - it will save a lot of time
and grief. Back in the day, we always had them and we used them
The 'C' in CXX is the slot...
Another way to see is to look at a dual-height Unibus grant card and
note which pair of pins is shorted together on the "C" finger (the one
that only has one pair of pins shorted, not the one that has 3 pairs
of pins shorted). If you don't _have_ a dual-height grant card, you
are going to have to get very familiar with where the NPR pins are
because you are going to be wrapping and unwrapping that jumper on the
backplane every time you insert or remove cards.
At Software Results, we used to make dual-height grant cards so we
could stick one in every COMBOARD box for our customers' convenience
(the last batch of 100 we ever bought ran about $20 each, 15 years
ago). Since we had them lying around, we always removed *every* NPR
wire on every backplane and never used G727 single-height grant cards.
It just took too much time to reconfigure machines otherwise. I've
also seen shops that tended not to want to buy fistfuls of dual-height
grant cards, so they just minimized how often they fiddled with the
backplane - once they got it right, they tried not to mess with it.
I still have the films (manual paste-up) for the Grantosaurus Rex
cards, c. 1981., but our last grant card was a plain rectangular
affair with a handle cutout. Not as interesting, but much cheaper to