From: Watzman at>
> On Friday 21 September 2007 13:56, Chuck Guzis wrote:> > Unlike the Rainbow,
the use of the 8085 was probably not such a great> > idea after Heath/Zenith had
been producing Z-80 systems.> > I wonder why they went with that part? I seem to
remember some others that > used it as well, though specifics are not coming to mind at
the moment. I > have a bunch of those on hand, and think about doing something with
them > from time to time. It's a fairly easy chip to use, with an eprom and a
ram> > chip and a single address latch, I just haven't decided yet what I'm
gonna > do with it.
I have a S-100 CPU board with both the 8088 and 8085. I don't
recall the manufacture but is was one of the common ones.
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