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I will look at what Byte Paperbacks I have. They are
all about
the 6800 (or perhaps more general: Motorola processors). I never
quite liked the Intel stuff, but that is an other topic :-)
I will probably make scans (next week) of the books I find in
the attic (this weekend), so I will post a list.
RA6800ML will be first, but if there is interest for some others,
I will scan them in order of # requests.
As a packratt I will indeed not sell books, except the case where
I have more than one copy. "VAX Architecture" or something like it
comes to mind ...
>Now, I remember these paperbooks were not too thick
(I once
>had Emmerichs Tiny Assembler and MONDEB from that class -
>unfortunately got lost - TinyAsm at least can be copied from
>old 1977 Byte issues), so I'am not sure whether it will wear
>out more than by simply reading the book. Unless you have a
>multi-page scanner where you'd have to destroy the spine.
Hey I want them for general reading. How many people still
have old Bytes in the local libraries? I liked the tiny assembler
because if I remember right you had structured code to save on
program lables.