I'd tend to be more pessimistic about this working.
There are different requirements in winding a wire for purposes of inhibit
and sense.
In the 3-wire arrangement the winding of the combined wire has to meet both
sets of requirements.
Specifically, for this case, in a 4-wire mem, where the inhibit wire was
woven just for
the purposes of inhibit, I don't anticipate it's going to have the noise
cancellation topology
needed to function as the sense wire.
Sense wires were woven as a floating loop feeding a differential
amplifier. The loop is kept
quite closed or otherwise woven in a very balanced manner so that the
magnetic fields from the
large select currents (and other influences) will cancel out or be
rejected as common-mode influence at the
differential amp inputs.
The select current magnetic fields trigger the magnetic field reversal of
the core, you want to sense the latter distinct from the former.
Unless you have circuitry with the wherewithal to distinguish those
induced currents in the sense wire in time
(delay of the core field reversal from the select field), you otherwise
have to minimise the influence of the select current fields on the sense
If you look at the diagrams in my article you can see the sorts of
differences in weaving topologies between 3 & 4 wire arrangements,
as well as examples of the tortured topologies resorted to to balance the
sense loop.
In the 3-wire example there you can see how the S/I wire was split in half
with a special resistor network at one end to allow inhibit current flow
while at the same time configuring it as a balanced loop for the sense
My article certainly isn't the last word on the variety of
implementations, I believe there were 4-wire designs with sense wires
parallel to
select wires as in the 3-wire designs for example, so you never know until
you examine the specifics at hand,
but I think it unlikely you'd have much success getting the inhibit wire
to function for sense, not without going to as much trouble
messing with the stack as if you tried to fix the sense wire.
Thanks. I think that this information will rule out the idea of using the
inhibit wire instead. It is likely to be not viable.
If the sense wire is open I'd guess there's a good chance it's at one of
the end points where it's soldered to a terminal or at an existing splice
from manufacture time and might be repairable if access could be had.
Access is of course the problem. I tried to check at the terminals and it
looked like the wire was ok there, but it is in an extremely tight place. I
tried to apply some small amount of solder in the hop that it was just bad
contact at one of the terminals but no difference unfortunately.
Might the stack have a parity bit array that could be redirected to
replace the faulty bit array?,
perhaps foregoing the parity checking on that board-set if the parity
logic is present.
I think I have checked the existence of a parity plane. It appears that
there is none present. The writing on the core module show no parity plane
and there are only twelve sense and inhibit terminals.
So what are the other options?
* Trying to repair the unit. Every plane is soldered together with the ones
nearby to convey the X/Y signals. This can probably be undone with a
patience and soldering braid. But what are the chance that the X/Y wires
gets lose then? Are those soldered or welded into place?
Then it would be quite tricky to just identify where it is actually broken.
Any ideas for how to do this? A microscope of course. Any other ideas?
Applying an electrical field between the wire and something else and try to
detect it?
Repair. If the wire is broken in the mat it is probably not to difficult to
pull out the broken parts. But then the new wire has to be spliced in. What
is t he best technique to do that?
How to push in the new wire in the matrix? I now that Anders was able to do
this with a broken X-wire in a PDP-8/L stack.
* Use a PDP-15 MM15 stack and sense/inhibit boards.
I have several off these. Adding a small backplane, put the X/Y drivers,
sense amp/inhibit drivers and level converters there and then adapt to the
existing slots for the memory module. It would be a horrible mixture of TTL
and transistors. But it would still be core memory.
* Use solid state technology. Possibly inside the memory box so it looks
real but emulates the actual core memory module.
Any ideas how this could be done in the best way?