OK, this is my DEC collection minus the machines I'm keeping, MINC
shipping is going to be interesting should anyone want it, see also
the DECwriter III. I should keep the DECmate III too really.
Most of these machines I used at work in the 80s/90s and rescued them
when I was made redundant in 2001, Grey Wall included. I'd hate to
recycle this as I've dragged the entire thing around the country and
would like to see it go to someone who hates reading docs online like
me :) Will I even pick up my VAX programming skills again and need to
know the params for the $QIOW routine :/
Anyhoo. This is listed as I went by them on the racks and is by no
means complete...
VR319 monitor
Alpha 3000-400 w/PMAGB
Alpha 3000-400 w/PMAGB
VAX 3100 M38, bits of
DECpc AXP150
Alpha 2000-300
DECpc XL590
Alpha 3000-400 w/PMAGB
DECstation 5000-240
VR262 for DECstations, mono, 17"
DECwriter IV/LA100
DECwriter III/LA180
MINC-11 w/RX02
MicroVAX 3100-30
MicroVAX 3100-40 (might be a 20)
DECserver 250
DEMSB-A multi-protocol router x2, 1 1-port and 1 4-port
Infoserver 150VXT (bought to netboot the VXT2000s)
MicroVAX 3100-30
DECstation 3100
MicroVAX 3100-20 (might be a 40)
MDS Fiche set x2 with reader
Grey wall, VMS 5.0 and 5.5 updates, some still sealed?!
VXT2000 (might be 2)
RWZ52 worm drive
DEChub90 in DEHUX with 3x DECrepeater 90T-16
DECnet/SNA x2 NOS boxed
Alpha 3000-400 motherboard, boxed
DESPR single port repeater
VT420 boxed
DECmate II or II
DECserver 200/M
3000-300 x3
BA350 in pedestal
BA356-JA on its own, single port 16bit pm, RZ74-VW
DECserver 300-16
VT1200, no monitor
R215F DSSI expansion, narrow box
MicroVAX II, BA213 'world' box
Alpha 2000 4/233, dual CPU
VAX 4000-505A (nice machine! Spare PSUs)
VAX 3400
R400X DSSI expansion x2
MicroVAX 2000 x2
cables, boards, 3000-300PSU, *stuff*
VAX 4000-200
CDDS boxes from mid 90s to late 90s
Cables, boards, docs.
Yes, I'm a hoarder.
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest home? computer collection?