On 4/26/07, Chuck Guzis <cclist at sydex.com> wrote:
On 26 Apr 2007 at 16:31, Chris M wrote:
So 3.1 (and I'm assuming here you don't
mean NT 3.1)
runs in real mode, yet is multitasking? I guess I'm
tired maybe...
No, it runs in protected mode, except for a fair amount of I/O, when
it switches to real mode. A fair amount of 95 was that way, too.
To be accurate, neither 3.x running in 386 enhanced mode nor 95
switched to real mode while running. They would run lots of stuff in
V86 mode though.
Because DOS is a known quantity running in real mode with no
protections, it's simple to set up your own descriptors and gates and
launch your own protected mode app than having to figure out what
someone else is doing.
It's been years since I've looked at this. If EMM386 is loaded DOS is
actually running in V86 mode, isn't it?