On 19 May 2007 at 21:52, r.stricklin wrote:
I wondered if anybody could help me identify what
it might be. Parts
have date codes in 1985; chips of note are 32k in 70ns 4Kx4 SRAM;
intel 8086, 8259, and 8254; and a pair of 12-bit monolithic DACs. I/O
is by one DE9m and one DB25m.
There's a possibility that this is a Wavepak Data Acquisition board
from Computational Systems, Inc. (CSI). It came out around 1984 and
was very popular for those needing FFT-type data acquisition. It
could also be a similar unit from Data Physics--both CSI and DPC were
early players in PC FFT data acquisition. Their boards were
freakishly expensive, if memory serves--in excess of $5K.
If it were a data acquisition board surely it would have ADC's not DAC's?
The use of DAC's surely implies an output board of some kind. The use of
standard DB type connectors and lack of trim-pots etc. would seem to support