Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 15:33:19 -0400
From: Paul Koning <paulkoning at>
Subject: Re: A tale of woe, including carelessness, stupidity
and laziness....
Quite possibly two different phases, and if so,
the would be 90 degrees
out of phase with each other.
90? Three phase power is 120 degrees apart, center-tapped "two phase"
home power is 180 degrees, but I don't know of any power company service
that produces 90 degree shifts.
In any case, RP06s use three phase power. The issue wasn't the power in
this particular story, but rather the ground wire (the green "protective
ground" that isn't supposed to carry current at all under normal operation).
Not exactly true. RP06 drives are typically connected to 3-phase power, but
only use two of the three phases. I have and RP06 running at home on
110/220VAC 2-phase.
Michael Thompson