Jerome H. Fine wrote:
I have heard that google allows posts to newsgroups, but the interface
is so impossible to use as compared with Netscape that I have not
even tried.
Google will let you reply to usenet postings if you sign in. That
becomes visible to the internet, but you can create an account for that
purpose and post using it. I went to alt.test w/o any problem there.
Only problem I saw as the above requirement to post an email address, so
use it with care. The interface was quite simple and simpler than
posting thru a news reader.
This probably is off topic, so please follow up to me via email, if any
further discussion is required.
A lot of documentation and information gets posted on
alt.binaries.ebook.technical, which makes it somewhat on topic, though a
lot of that content is reflected from Bitsavers or other listmembers sites.