> So, I guess that I can bring a few items for the
consignment sales,
> (which is also "information coming soon"), but NOT a station wagon full
> of boxes of books, classic vintage computers (QX10, SMC70, early 5150,
> 8201a, etc.), hundreds of hard-sector diskettes, 3", 3.25" disks and
> alignment disks, another wooden modem, ARC serial analyzer, etc.
> (priced to meet expenses and lunch both days)
> Oh well. I would have needed to get help packing the car, etc. anyway.
On Sat,
9 Jul 2016, Evan Koblentz wrote:
Sure you can bring a car full of stuff, as long as
it's sold at consignment.
I do not know how much table space we will have for that. It is possible that
we'll ask you to bring in some at a time.
At VCF6, I only brought a few things:
but now I have more than ten times that, that needs to go or get
plus all that is left of
and at least 100 more boxes worth.
But, my health is not good enough to even pack it all.
My assistant at the last VCF died two years ago.
I had been hoping to totally fill Prius station wagon, and sell enough
first day to do an entire additional load the second day.
But, I don't think that it is realiatic to imagine that I can manage to do
Besides the need to channel it in small quantities through "consignment",
I know that I can't manage even that level of physical exertion.
So, I'll probably just fill a couple of boxes with IBM Technical
References, Windows Resource kits, etc. and end up with most of the rest
eventually going to paper recycling. (most of the FPUIB stuff has been
in that list for 2 years, so there's obviously not a big pent-up demand)
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at