Tony Duell wrote:
I am not sure if it's illegal, though, for me
to buy an old machine from
somebody in the States and have it sent to me.
This is the type of question that my employer (midwest, USA) is
struggling with. We have hundreds of machine tools sold to Europe over
the last 30 years. Are we allowed to ship non-compliant repair parts?
Some say yes, some say no.
As I understand it (at least in the UK)
1) You can sell non-compliant components without problems (you just can't
sell _new_ equipment using them in many cases)
2) You can perform repairs using non-compliant components, solder, etc
In some cases (I will have to check the exact details), you can even do
an upgrade to a machine using non-compliant components without problems.
AFAIK it would be OK to take a memory board (first sold before the
deadline), solder in more non-compliant RAMs with leaded solder and put
it back into service.
No wonder my bosses think this is all a just another
trade barrier by
other means.
I do wonder what the real point of this law is. But then I feel that way
about most, if not all, EU regulations.