I just finished picking up the P800's. A quick overview of what's there:
- 3 x P859 (one looks like the board set is incomplete)
Am I right in thinking that his is related to the P854?
- 1 x P856/P857? (no type label, marked
"defect" in black marker on top)
Aren't these supposed to have core memory? No core found inside.
I thought so. Maybe that's why it's defective :-(
FWIW, the P850 does use core memeory, but there are memory modules
(containg the core and drivers spearately fitted i nthe machine, it's not
on boards in the main crdcage. Is it possible you've missed the core in
your 856?
- 1 x card cage with 6 cards. No idea what this is
Maybe soem specail I/O unig. Philips appaer to ahve made a lot of
realtime I/O bords, ADCs, DACs, etc.
- 1 x P833 cassette drive enclosure with two drives
- 2 x P830-010 8"disk drive enclosure (looks like it can hold 2 drives). One
of these is new-in-box
IF that's the unit I am thinki of, it does, indeed, take 2 drives. It's also
the only thing you've mentioned that I also own...
- 2 x 8" floppy disk drive to fit the enclosures
- 3 x X1215 cartridge disk drive. Looks like it has an internal fixed
platter as well.
- 10 x 14" disc cartridge
- Some boxes with spare cards and parts
- Cables
- 16 Binders with manuals
I'm taking an inventory of the manuals first. Will post the list once it's
Very nice haul!