On 08/26/2011 01:28 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
I know that I'd much rather have ot print a
negative than try to decode
an uncodumented digital image file.
I'm right there with you on that. Fortunately, nearly all of them
that are actually being used anywhere are well-documented.
I suspect the docuemantion for the PERQ image processing software and
file formats is long gone, but...
Anyway, they may be docuemnted _now_ but in 100 eyars time (or whatever)
it may not even be obviosu that it is an image file. If you take a film
or glass plate negative it's clear rto anyone (with reasonable eyesight)
that there is an image on it. It's also possible, jsut byu loking at it
to see roughtly what that image is, and that the intensities are
inverted. So you try the obviuos things to get the image back.
But given a digital image file, it's not obvious from looking at the
bytes that it even is an image, let alone how to decode it.