I figured I should ask now while everybody is in a helpful mood :-)
Does anybody have scans of any or all of the following?
01. MVS/ESA Component Diagnosis and Logic: EXCP Processor (LY28-1477)
02. LY28-1487
03. LY28-1488
04. LC28-1166-5
05. SA22-7085-0 System/370 Extended Architecture Principles of Operation
06. SA22-7085-1 System/370 Extended Architecture Principles of Operation
07. SA22-7200 System/370 Enterprise Systems Architecture Principles of Operation
American National Standards Institute ANSI X3. 74-1987 (PL/I Subset G)
UltraSPARC-IIIi Programmer's Reference Manual
which is referenced here:
and here:
although without any pointers or links. I have the U/S IIIi User's Manual
but this does not seem to be the one the above doc is referencing.
No reward except my gratitude and promise to search my archives for my pals
in need! However Al is making it pretty tough to have anything unique! Many
thanks to Al for running bitsavers and everybody for contributing.
I hope
archive.org sticks around long enough for us to scrounge whatever is
left on Sun but it's getting thin. I haven't been able to get to the open
firmware site on
playground.sun.com and the official site is running a
business on openfirmware and isn't exactly giving out doc. So much for open.
Thank you.