I have something similar in a Polaroid product - a
high-res B&W
CRT in
a box with an internal motorized color wheel and
a video input...
Would that be a Polaroid Palette? My first (real) job was working
in a computer store in NJ...We "sold" those. I quote "sold" because
I don't think we actually sold even one in the ~2yrs I was there.
It might be - mine is about 6" wide, 5" tall, about 18" deep, with two
camera fronts (Polaroid Medical Imaging Film or ASA 100 slide), a
number of BNCs on the back for sync/R/G/B, plus a DB25 to a
pendant-type console that is the size of a small text book, with a few
buttons and a couple of slide pots. I'd quote chapter and verse for
the model, but it's not where I am.
Since the input is analog video, I don't think it's a Polaroid
"Digital Palette" product. It's certainly nowhere close to 2000 lines
of resolution. ~500 at the outside, most likely closer to 200 or 240
This one is not clearly meant to be computer-controlled. The way I've
used it is to attach a video source (Amiga) to the inputs, a 15KHz RGB
monitor (Barco, VR241, NEC 3d, C= 1950...) to the outputs, then
visually compose the scene and press a console button to "freeze" the
image, which can then be tweaked with the slide pots, until one
presses "print". Much noise issues from the machine, the film
advances, and one repeats the process.
Ahhhhh ok. I've heard of those but have never seen one. I
believe it was (more or less) the predecessor of the computer-driven
one that my store used to sell.
Man, that box sounds like lots of fun!
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL